Sunday, March 28, 2010

phamily ties -- sorta, it's nguyen actually

I don't even know where to begin. Perhaps that is because there doesn't seem to be a clear beginning to all of this. It almost seems like the unraveling of our family legacy. If Ba could see this, she would be heartbroken. In some ways, I almost wish she could be here to witness it so that maybe she could put a stop to the deterioration of family.

I miss the old days, when I could climb the many stairs up to Anh Hi and Anh Huy's room to sit and play video games. And we would just hang out in Ma Ba's room to watch movies or play cards for an entire afternoon. There were never any conflicts and everyone just seemed so much happier then. The house was always occupied by someone and atmosphere was full of the smells of great food and Anh Huy's piano melodies drifting about.

How did everything wonderful about Vietnam suddenly fall into pieces at the beginning of modernization? I can't even begin to explain how angry I am at Ma Ba. Not just angry like furious but also very hurt at what she has done. It almost seems like she single-handedly ripped our family into two. As much as I understand her to be the head matriarchy of the family now, it doesn't mean she should be cruel and insensitive to our family members. Especially Trang.

I can understand why my mom doesn't want to go back. I don't even feel to keen on going back this point.

Alright I have to interrupt this post and get down to the nitty gritty. If I can't get out, I'll be stuck in this family loop forever.

To be continued! When Trang sends me another hateful email!

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