Saturday, May 30, 2009

house cleaning details

Breakfast: Left over, salted pork slices on cold rice with unsalted, shelled peanuts. Hmmmmm ^__^ I love breakfast at home.

(Lydia would be ashamed of my poor diet of carbs, fatty meats and nuts so early in the morning. But while my body can handle it, why not. You know what, if I had some avocados, I'd throw them in too.)

So for today's adventure, I will be venturing off to Ikea with Bob! Perhaps this is where my Bowdoin separation anxiety comes in because I'm really excited to see Bob again.

Today was a lot of fun. It took me some time to find Bob's house because I was completely lost in that area of Hawthorne, but once I picked him up, everything went pretty smoothly. We went to Spoon House to eat some good spaghetti, and then walked around the Del Amo Mall as we waited for "Up" to start. It was SOOO CROWDED. I could not believe that parents were allowing their children to stay up so late for a movie. The movie itself was actually really entertaining. The narrative was so sad that I started to cry in the middle of it. It felt good to laugh and not feel worried or stress about work. And I think most of all, it felt nice to just take things slowly. This kind of luxury is not available very often in the real world. (Unless you're a member of Bob's family or Eric's. Then you can wake up late in the morning and go to bed around the decent hour so you catch at least 12 hours of sleep each day).

One thing that I noted about my behavior today was how I was treating the situation with Benny. I think for the past couple of days, I've been mistreating him as the subject of my unhappiness and stress. When in reality, that is not the case at all. Htere is no stress from this situation, there is only the extra drama that I am creating on top of the situation. I already know to handle it. I've already told my truth and I have confident that Benny will rise out of his dilemna a better man if not a little bit wiser and more aware of his potential. In all honesty, this is not my burden to bear or to share. The only burden I have is being the one to break the bad news, but as a friend, that is exactly that needs to be done. And I should let Benny have this moment to better himself and grow instead of having people judge him for his short comings. When it comes down to it, everyone has their short comings, and it is their own business as well as their purpose to improve them.

MORAL #1: be more mindful of other people's business. Whether it be professional or personal.

p.s. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear me-E, happy birthday to me.

...and many more....=3

"There are too many miles I haven't gone yet, too many sunsets I haven't seen" ~ Sara Bareilles,
Many the Mile

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

re-adjusting to the home life

After living away from home for four years, readjusting to the "home" life is always a challenge. It means recalibrating my personal alarm clock back three hours, getting use to "parentals", learning to how to drive again and what LA road rage means, realizing that freedom is relative to how far away your relatives live to you, and the most difficult of all, what to do with your life now.

The first challenge I encountered, was learning how to re-work my television entertainment. So sometime during my semester of non-stop labor, my father decided he had waited long enough for his new HD tv. So load and be hold, there is a shiny, new, flat screen, samsung, high definition television screen sitting in my living room which requires two separate remote controls for the channels, cable, and even volume to operate. And another thing, why do we own so many korean channels? I counted at least 8 channels of korean news, soaps, and commercials, one Japanese channel, and about 5 Vietnamese channels (one is a Korean Soap Dubbed channel). Maybe it's part of the Asian package deal? o.O

Being home this time, isn't as strange as I thought it would be. It is probably because it has not hit me yet that I am officially done with colllege. Or maybe I'm still in the self-denial stage because I don't want to start crying. Or perhaps, I am ready to move onto to new things.

I think I'm ready. Let's go.