Friday, August 13, 2010

definition of growth

I am obsessed with maturity.

I don't know if it has to do with the overbearing weight of responsibility of adult life or the labels of success in the world.

Rachel commented that she has never met someone so "unexperienced" before meeting me. Now, the statement was in reference to my dating and flirting abilities, but a a general observation, she makes a valiant argument. I claim to be a big adventurer but when it comes down to it, I second guess myself and take the easy route. Maybe that's why I feel I've been lucky to this point- because I'm consistently choosing the easier path instead of the harder untrodden road.

And then there's the laziness- the center fulcrum of my unbalance life. The jolt of motivation to keeping pushing forward at break necking speed is absent and thus, my personal speed becomes lackadaisical.